Humans of Israel – Waleed

waleedBy Jonathan Misrachi

“This morning was freezing cold, but it was a pretty successful morning! Like everyday, I woke up at 4.30, and after a cup of hot black coffee and two cigarettes I went for a ride on my bicycle and I rushed through Rehov Aganà to reach the port of Akko. Here, as I have been doing for the past 50 years, I took the same blue fishing boat with which I sail along the Mediterranean seashore trying to fish as many fishes as possible. Afterwards, I usually go to the Shuk, where I meet some of my children or nephews who come to help me selling the fish that I caught. At dusk my wife comes back from the school where she teaches English, our daughters and sons come to us and I bring home what’s left from the working day, happy, tired and ready for the following day.”