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November 14, 2016 - Chshwan 13, 5777


Italy Will Take on the Presidency of the IHRA

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By Ada Treves

It Is now official: Italy will take on the presidency of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) in 2018. As explained by the head of the Italian delegation, Ambassador Sandro De Bernardin, "It is undoubtedly an important recognition for the work Italy has done in recent years, and of how much what we've been doing is appreciated. It is not easy to manage the presidency, and I take this confirmation as a gesture of confidence in our work, and as an important responsibility.". The program for 2018 is not totally defined yet - the Italian delegation is working on it in agreement with the Ministry of Education, that is competent on IHRA in our country - and it will take another few weeks to get a clear picture.

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Conference and Exhibit Will Celebrate Centenary of Birth of Writer Giorgio Bassani

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By Daniel Reichel
The year 2016 marks the centenary of the birth ofGiorgio Bassani, the renowned Italian Jewish writer.
The events dedicated to this anniversary will culminate with a conference dedicated to him in Rome and Ferrara (November 14 – November 19).
Alongside the conference, the unique exhibition "Back to the Garden" by American artist Eric Finzi whose family is from Ferrara will be open to the public.
Sponsored by the Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah (MEIS), in collaboration with the Institute of Contemporary History of Ferrara and the Civic Museums of the Municipality of Ferrara Ancient Art, the exhibition brings together works inspired by “The Garden of the Finzi-Continis”, Bassani's masterpiece and it will be inaugurated on November 15, at Ludovico Ariosto's residence.

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Former Soccer Player with Fascist Tattoo Condemns Anti-Semitic and Racist Views

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By Adam Smulevich
A Former Italian soccer player Paolo Di Canio wrote an open letter to the President of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI) Noemi Di Segni, in which he repudiates "anti-Semitic, racist, discriminatory and violent views."
In September, Sky Sport channel, where he anchored a show focused on English soccer, suspended him after he appeared with a pro-fascist tattoo on camera. The episode was firmly denounced by the UCEI website www.moked.it and was rapidly circulated on the internet.
“I believe without ifs ands or buts, that Mussolini’s racist laws were a terrible infamy for the history of our country, an infamy that caused an immense tragedy for thousands of Jews in Italy,” Di Canio wrote in his letter to President Di Segni.

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bechol lashon - deutsch

Das erste und das
letzte Ghetto


von Andrea Jarach*

Mit zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Ausstellungen hat sich die Europäische Janusz Korczak Akademie München auf die Spuren des ersten und des letzten jüdischen Ghettos begeben. »Wir wollten eine Brücke zwischen dem 500 Jahre alten Ghetto von Venedig und dem weniger bekannten Ghetto von Shanghai während des Zweiten Weltkriegs schlagen«, erklärt die Kuratorin Imola Nieder.
»Unsere Idee ist die spirituelle Verbindung, die unwahrscheinliche Kraft des Lebens und Überlebens«, fügt die Leiterin der Akademie, Eva Haller, hinzu. Nach dem Auftakt in München werden die Ausstellungen nun zusammengeführt und ab dem 1. Dezember in Duisburg in den Überresten eines Treppenhauses im Garten der Erinnerung am Yitzhak-Rabin-Platz zu sehen sein.

*Judische Allgemeine, 10.11.16.


pilpul - double life

Center of the World


By Daniela Fubini*

Reality check: we are a Middle-Eastern country slightly bigger than New Jersey which happens to be one of the smallest states in the USA. And we are not, last time anyone counted, the 51st State.
Nevertheless, we discussed the recent American Presidential elections as if it actually mattered to anyone in Washington what Israeli citizens think about Trump or Clinton (any Clinton). Facebook threads became heated as ticking bombs, people insulted openly anyone thinking differently. All among Israelis, the vast majority of them holding more than one passport, true, but not so many and American one. A clear “center of the world” syndrome.

*Daniela Fubini (Twitter @d_fubini) lives and writes in Tel Aviv, where she arrived in 2008 from Turin via New York.

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An Exhibit at the Museum of Italian Jewish Art in Jerusalem Presents 18th Century Sukkah

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Closing a year full of events marking 500 years of the Ghetto of Venice, the U. Nahon Museum of Italian Jewish Art in Jerusalem opens a new exhibition offering an original perspective. The new exhibition opened for the festival of Sukkot, the 18th of October 2016.
Beginning in 1516, the Ghetto of Venice was established as a restricted area where the Jewish population was required to live. This pragmatic decision both included and isolated the Jews from their non-Jewish neighbors. Five hundred years after its institution and a century and a half after the destruction of its gates, the concept of the ghetto still echoes through history, and raises questions of migration and identity in our own time.

*This article was published in the website of the Association of European Jewish Museums. 

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Militant Passion


By Guido Vitale

“Whatever rises from the rubble of liberalism’s debacle must never repeat that mistake. The decencies of modern life need to be argued with militant passion and broadcast to places where it can be heard by people who don’t read broadsheets. What neither America nor the rest of world can afford right now is to keep calm and carry on” (Simon Schama, Financial Times).

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The Fox and the Lion


By Daniel Leisawitz*

The morning following the US election, my college campus was eerily quiet.  An almost funereal air permeated the quad and halls (and the cold steady rain didn’t help). In class, some students were visibly distraught, others quietly concerned, and a few others happy and hopeful. For one of my classes, in which we have been studying the political and literary writings of Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527), his thought could not help but inform our reactions.

*Daniel Leisawitz is the Director of the Italian Studies Program at Muhlenberg College (Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA). The artwork is by Abraham Cresques a 14th-century Jewish Spanish cartographer.

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moked è il portale dell'ebraismo italiano

This newsletter is published under difficult conditions. The editors of this newsletter are Italian journalists whose native language is Italian. They are willing to offer their energy and their skills to give international readers the opportunity of learning more about the Italian Jewish world, its values, its culture and its traditions.
In spite of all our efforts to avoid this, readers may find an occasional language mistake. We count on your understanding and on your help and advice to correct these mistakes and improve our publication.

Pagine Ebraiche International Edition is published by the Union of Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI). UCEI publications encourage an understanding of the Jewish world and the debate within it. The articles and opinions published by Pagine Ebraiche International Edition, unless expressly stated otherwise, cannot be interpreted as the official position of UCEI, but only as the self-expression of the people who sign them, offering their comments to UCEI publications. Readers who are interested in making their own contribution should email us at desk@ucei.it
You received this newsletter because you authorized UCEI to contact you. If you would like to remove your email address from our list, or if you would like to subscribe using a new email address, please send a blank email to  desk@ucei.it stating "unsubscribe" or "subscribe" in the subject field.

© UCEI - All rights reserved - The articles may only be reproduced after obtaining the written permission of the editor-in-chief. Pagine Ebraiche - Reg Rome Court 199/2009 – Editor in Chief: Guido Vitale - Managing Editor: Daniela Gross.
Special thanks to: Francesco Moises Bassano, Susanna Barki, Amanda Benjamin, Monica Bizzio, Angelica Edna Calò Livne, Eliezer Di Martino, Alain Elkann, Dori Fleekop, Daniela Fubini, Benedetta Guetta, Sarah Kaminski, Daniel Leisawitz, Annette Leckart, Gadi Luzzatto Voghera, Yaakov Mascetti, Francesca Matalon, Jonathan Misrachi, Anna Momigliano, Giovanni Montenero, Elèna Mortara, Sabina Muccigrosso, Lisa Palmieri Billig, Jazmine Pignatello, Shirley Piperno, Giandomenico Pozzi, Daniel Reichel, Colby Robbins,  Danielle Rockman, Lindsay Shedlin, Michael Sierra, Rachel Silvera, Adam Smulevich, Simone Somekh, Rossella Tercatin, Ada Treves, Lauren Waldman, Sahar Zivan.

Questo notiziario è realizzato in condizioni di particolare difficoltà. I redattori di questo notiziario sono giornalisti italiani di madrelingua italiana. Mettono a disposizione le loro energie e le loro competenze per raccontare in lingua inglese l'ebraismo italiano, i suoi valori, la sua cultura e i suoi valori. Nonostante il nostro impegno il lettore potrebbe trovare errori e imperfezioni nell'utilizzo del linguaggio che faremo del nostro meglio per evitare. Contiamo sulla vostra comprensione e soprattutto sul vostro aiuto e sul vostro consiglio per correggere gli errori e migliorare.

Pagine Ebraiche International Edition è una pubblicazione edita dall'Unione delle Comunità Ebraiche Italiane. L'UCEI sviluppa mezzi di comunicazione che incoraggiano la conoscenza e il confronto delle realtà ebraiche. Gli articoli e i commenti pubblicati, a meno che non sia espressamente indicato il contrario, non possono essere intesi come una presa di posizione ufficiale, ma solo come la autonoma espressione delle persone che li firmano e che si sono rese gratuitamente disponibili. Gli utenti che fossero interessati a offrire un proprio contributo possono rivolgersi all'indirizzo  desk@ucei.it

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© UCEI - Tutti i diritti riservati - I testi possono essere riprodotti solo dopo aver ottenuto l'autorizzazione scritta della Direzione. Pagine Ebraiche International Edition - notiziario dell'ebraismo italiano - Reg. Tribunale di Roma 199/2009 - direttore responsabile: Guido Vitale - Coordinamento: Daniela Gross.
Realizzato con il contributo di: Francesco Moises Bassano, Susanna Barki, Amanda Benjamin, Monica Bizzio, Angelica Edna Calò Livne, Eliezer Di Martino, Alain Elkann, Dori Fleekop, Daniela Fubini, Benedetta Guetta, Sarah Kaminski, Daniel Leisawitz, Annette Leckart, Gadi Luzzatto Voghera, Yaakov Mascetti, Francesca Matalon, Jonathan Misrachi, Anna Momigliano, Giovanni Montenero, Elèna Mortara, Sabina Muccigrosso, Lisa Palmieri Billig, Jazmine Pignatello, Shirley Piperno, Giandomenico Pozzi, Daniel Reichel, Colby Robbins,  Danielle Rockman, Lindsay Shedlin, Michael Sierra, Rachel Silvera, Adam Smulevich, Simone Somekh, Rossella Tercatin, Ada Treves, Lauren Waldman, Sahar Zivan