UCEI President: “ON BDS, Italy and the EU should follow Germany’s example”
By Pagine Ebraiche staff
President of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities has expressed
appreciation for the decision of the German Parliament to pass a law
which defines the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement against Israel
as anti-Semitic and has invited the Italian Parliament to follow suit.
“In approving a bill that defines the Boycott, Divest and Sanction
movement against Israel as clearly anti-Semitic the Bundestag has sent
an important message. In this way, the BDS movement will not be able to
receive any public funding or sponsorship,” Di Segni said in a
statement on Sunday.
David Grossman at the Jewish Book Festival
in Ferrara
By Pagine Ebraiche staff
Israeli author David Grossman attended the Jewish Book Festival that took place in Ferrara on Sunday.
The Festival celebrated its tenth edition with many events hosted at
the Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah (MEIS) and in other venues
around the city.
“The Festival is a central event for us,” explained MEIS President Dario Disegni.
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Jews and Catholics, a fruitful dialogue
By Adam Smulevich
“Hine ma tov uma na’im, Shevet achim gam yachad”. “How good
and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity”: These
well-known verses from Psalm 133 – in which brotherhood is compared to
the holy anointing oil and to the divine dew falling on the mountains
of Israel and on Mount Zion – were used by Rabbi Daniel Polish to start
off his speech. In the past few days, as head of the International
Jewish Committee on Interreligious Dialogue, he has debated in Rome
with representatives of the Vatican, Jewish leaders and communication
experts on the occasion of the 24th International Catholic-Jewish
Liaison Committee meeting in Rome.
lashon - Español
Una polémica inapropiada
Anna Foa*
parece muy poco apropiada la polémica sobre la libertad de pensamiento
que se ha desatado después de que se excluyera del Salón del Libro a la
editorial Altaforte. Francesco Polacchi, fundador de Altaforte, con sus
antecedentes penales, tiene un perfil que se parece más al de un
golpeador fascista que al de un editor, es decir a alguien que se
dedica a idear y crear libros. Irrupciones a Palazzo Marino, agresiones
organizadas, manifestaciones violentas. Sus declaraciones a favor del
fascismo no son la confesión de una fe política personal, sino una
incitación al odio y, en el marco del movimiento de CasaPound, una
incitación a la refundación del Partido Fascista, en contra de lo que
establece la Constitución.
*Anna Foa, historiadora. Traducido por Arianna Mercuriali,
estudiante de la Escuela Superior para Intérpretes y Traductores de la
Universidad de Trieste, de prácticas en la oficina del periódico de la
Unión de las Comunidades Judías Italianas.
Leia mas
By David Bidussa*
is created by words and images more than by ideas and ideologies.
Culture is a mirror of images, projects and dreams that we hold within
us. Therefore I wonder: What is our vocabulary today? What are the
images produced by that vocabulary? Where is it created? Through which
experiences? Which changes does it go through? How do words express
what we think?
*David Bidussa is a historian of social ideas.
Israel in contention to host Tour de France
By Simon Griver*
big events organisers, which helped stage the Giro last year, told a
Tel Aviv conference: “The Giro D’Italia will return to Israel in 2022
and we are in advanced negotiations with the Tour de France.”
He added: “The contribution to Israel of large events like the Giro and
Eurovision is in making Israel a brand that people like and feel
motivated to come back to.”
Benaim said that Israeli-Canadian billionaire Sylvan Adams had donated
€28 million to bring the Giro D’Italia to Israel last year. Branded as
the “Big Start”, the world’s top cyclists spent the first three days of
one of the world’s three biggest cycling races, competing in Israel
last May.
*The article was published in The Jewish Chronicle on May 20, 2019.
newsletter is published under difficult conditions. The editors of this
newsletter are Italian journalists whose native language is Italian.
They are willing to offer their energy and their skills to give
international readers the opportunity of learning more about the
Italian Jewish world, its values, its culture and its traditions.
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occasional language mistake. We count on your understanding and on your
help and advice to correct these mistakes and improve our publication.
Pagine Ebraiche International Edition is published by the Union of
Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI). UCEI publications encourage an
understanding of the Jewish world and the debate within it. The
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© UCEI - All rights reserved - The articles may only be reproduced
after obtaining the written permission of the editor-in-chief. Pagine
Ebraiche - Reg Rome Court 199/2009 – Editor in Chief: Guido Vitale.
Special thanks to: Francesco Moises Bassano, Susanna Barki, Amanda
Benjamin, Monica Bizzio, Angelica Edna Calò Livne, Eliezer Di Martino,
Alain Elkann, Dori Fleekop, Daniela Fubini, Benedetta Guetta, Sarah
Kaminski, Daniel Leisawitz, Annette Leckart, Gadi Luzzatto Voghera,
Yaakov Mascetti, Francesca Matalon, Jonathan Misrachi, Anna Momigliano,
Giovanni Montenero, Elèna Mortara, Sabina Muccigrosso, Lisa Palmieri
Billig, Jazmine Pignatello, Shirley Piperno, Giandomenico Pozzi, Daniel
Reichel, Colby Robbins, Danielle Rockman, Lindsay Shedlin,
Michael Sierra, Rachel Silvera, Adam Smulevich, Simone Somekh, Rossella
Tercatin, Ada Treves, Lauren Waldman, Sahar Zivan.
Questo notiziario è realizzato in condizioni di particolare difficoltà.
I redattori di questo notiziario sono giornalisti italiani di
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competenze per raccontare in lingua inglese l'ebraismo italiano, i suoi
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lettore potrebbe trovare errori e imperfezioni nell'utilizzo del
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Pagine Ebraiche International Edition - notiziario dell'ebraismo
italiano - Reg. Tribunale di Roma 199/2009 - direttore responsabile:
Guido Vitale.
Realizzato con il contributo di: Francesco Moises Bassano, Susanna
Barki, Amanda Benjamin, Monica Bizzio, Angelica Edna Calò Livne,
Eliezer Di Martino, Alain Elkann, Dori Fleekop, Daniela Fubini,
Benedetta Guetta, Sarah Kaminski, Daniel Leisawitz, Annette Leckart,
Gadi Luzzatto Voghera, Yaakov Mascetti, Francesca Matalon, Jonathan
Misrachi, Anna Momigliano, Giovanni Montenero, Elèna Mortara, Sabina
Muccigrosso, Lisa Palmieri Billig, Jazmine Pignatello, Shirley Piperno,
Giandomenico Pozzi, Daniel Reichel, Colby Robbins, Danielle
Rockman, Lindsay Shedlin, Michael Sierra, Rachel Silvera, Adam
Smulevich, Simone Somekh, Rossella Tercatin, Ada Treves, Lauren
Waldman, Sahar Zivan.