NEWS Survivor and Senator for Life Segre Introduces a Bill for a Parliamentary Committee against Intolerance

lilianasegreBy Adam Smulevich

“I was a victim of hatred of fascist Italy. I feel that after all these years, a tide of racism and intolerance is growing again, which must be stopped in any way: today a Parliamentary committee for this purpose is necessary more than ever”. 88 year old Holocaust survivor and senator for life, Liliana Segre presented a bill to establish a “Parliamentary committee to monitor and formulate policies about the phenomena of intolerance, racism and anti-Semitism,” last week. The initiative has been felt as urgent.

“Our current reality presents us with a daily list of disgraceful acts. We must work against the fascistization of common sense that is just a step above the indifference that 80 years ago brought shame to fascist Italy,” she said at a press conference held at the Senate, remembering the ignominity of the Racial Laws promulgated in 1938, and their terrible consequences.

The Senator addressed her message to the whole of society and in particular to those who represent their institutions: “We ask for acts, no longer simply words. First of all, politics has a duty to teach people how to behave and not to foment hatred”.

On 30 January 1944, Liliana Segre, only 13, was sent to Auschwitz, from the platform 21 of the Milan Central railway station. She was liberated by the Red Army on 1 May 1945 from the Malchow concentration camp, near Ravensbrück.