FADE’s approach to confront prejudice

“Fight against Antisemitism through training anD awareness raising activitiEs – F.A.D.E” is a European project that was presented in Rome on November 22, and whose purpose is to improve public authorities’ ability to identify, prosecute and fight against episodes of discrimination and antisemitic hatred. This initiative, which will last 18 months, involves the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities, Foundation Jewish Contemporary Documentation Center, the Italian Office against Racial Discrimination – Unar, Ceji – A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe, and Reflect – Research Evaluation Training Technical Assistance srl. The project expresses itself through “a coherent series of activities” designed to improve the effectiveness of the action, for example by increasing the knowledge of the complaints mechanism and by enhancing the cooperation between different public authorities and between them and other civil society actors.
“This moment is both significant and important. The added value of this project can be found in the platform, in the network that brings together those institutions whose daily purpose is to fight against antisemitism. Today we are putting the pieces together,” stated Noemi Di Segni, President of the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities. Di Segni also pointed out that this commitment is even more urgent at a time when the resurgence of antisemitism is also affecting Italy. According to Mattia Peradotto, Director of Unar, “antisemitism is a structural problem in Italian society; we need to attack it, and it is even more necessary after the 7th of October.” The purpose is to “get to an effective result that impacts not just our nation.”
Melissa Sonnino, senior program manager of Ceji, explained that, as reported by Noa (Networks Overcoming Antisemitism), Italy’s strong point is “the legislation addressing the most serious and growing forms of antisemitism, such as security laws, hate crimes and hate speech”; however, it is weaker in “implementing measures aimed at preventing discrimination against Jewish people and communities.” The areas with more opportunities for improvement and impact are, among others, education, culture, sports, intercultural dialogue, media. These areas are seen as essential “in strengthening society’s resilience to extremism” and in preventing “an escalation.”
Translated by Francesca Pischedda and revised by Annadora Zuanel, students at the Advanced School for Interpreters and Translators of the University of Trieste, interns at the newspaper office of the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities – Pagine Ebraiche.