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Our Challenge:
Digital Madness
by Guido Vitale*
Jewish State of the Net, the journalism course our newspaper is
organizing this spring in Turin, will cover issues raised by digital
dementia and the misuses of social media (including astroturfing
and sockpuppetting). This is a problem of major
relevance for all of Italian society, which is increasingly beset by
the maneuvering of political consensus by “sock puppeteers”. However,
it also affects the Italian Jewish world, which often struggles to
counter such spurious campaigns with effective, credible and
sophisticated reporting and information.
In their two millennia of history, Italian Jews have shown that at the
cost of great sacrifice it is possible to overcome the worst
difficulties and to secure our future. Openly discussing the
destructive tendencies of those who use the internet to spread poison
and madness, is the major challenge of our time.
*Guido Vitale is
the editor-in-chief of
Pagine Ebraiche.
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Italian Word of the Week:
by Daniela
In Italy people often refer to the internet as “la rete” (literally,
the network) and for the Italian Jewry the web has been really
important. If you are in Rome or Milan, where the 70 per cent of
Italian Jews are in fact concentrated, maybe the problem is not as big.
But if you live in a small Community (and there are some that count
only few dozen members), the opportunity to share ideas and projects is
“La rete” is giving a fundamental contribution to renew the link among
the Communities and to put in touch the Italian Jewish world and the
society: not by chance also most of the information produced by Union
of Italian Jewish Communities is released via internet (like this
Pagine Ebraiche International Edition).
But the web is also a way for spreading hatred e prejudices. In the
last five years, the Observatory on Contemporary Anti-Semitism and
Prejudice in Italy of the Foundation Jewish Contemporary Documentation
Center notices, the Italian cyberspace registered a progressive
increase of anti-Semitism and became the principal way to propagate
racism, intolerance and stereotypes. The situation is getting so bad
that even the law has had repeatedly to deal with it. The meeting
J-net, organized next week by the editorial staff of the Pagine
Ebraiche in Turin, is therefore really important to comprehend what’s
happening because words can kill, even if they are born on line.
Jewish Identity.
In the Wardrobe
Simone Somekh*
In front of me I see a black burqa adorned with a cream colored facial
net. It comes from a Jewish community in Afghanistan and it dates back
to nearly two centuries ago. It’s one of the garments typically worn by
Jewish Arab women of that time. Next to the burqa stand a model, a
fashion designer, two huge spotlights, and tens of photographers. The
model parades as if she were on a catwalk, when she actually is in a
museum. She is wearing a garment that could easily be considered the
Afghani burqa’s grandchild – a piece that, despite the wide shape and
the solid black, manages to stress the model’s silhouette.
The whole scene may appear to be juxtaposition, but it represents a new
way of conceiving the relationship between old and new, ancient and
modern. In fact, we find ourselves at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem,
on the press tour of the temporary exhibition Dress Codes: Revealing the Jewish Wardrobe.
*Simone Somekh is a student at
Bar-Ilan University, Israel, and writes as a freelance for the Jewish
Italian press.
Photo: Daniel Tchetchik
Challenges and Limits |
by Jacques Roumani*
On the 15th of November the Osservatore Romano published an interview
with Rabbi David Rosen (“Why we cannot be enemies”) which, among other
things, includes this question: “At the end of June, Auschwitz hosted a
celebration in memory of Holocaust victims, with important rabbis,
cardinals and bishops, where a symphony on sufferance was played. You
where there. What did this mean to Jews?”. Rabbi Rosen answered:
“Similar concerts have been organized in many other places too, but the
one in Auschwitz has been the most powerful demonstration of the love
between us.
*University of
Maryland, formerly Senior Lecturer at Bar Ilan and, Senior fellow at
Hebrew University (Truman Inst.) World Bank and Inter-American
Development Bank
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This newsletter is published under difficult conditions. The editors of
this newsletter are Italian journalists whose native language is
Italian. They are willing to offer their energy and their skills to
give international readers the opportunity of learning more about the
Italian Jewish world, its values, its culture and its traditions.
In spite of all our efforts to avoid this, readers may find the
occasional grammatical mistake. We count on your understanding and on
your help and advice to correct these mistakes and improve our
Pagine Ebraiche International Edition is published by the Union of
Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI). UCEI publications encourage the
understanding of the Jewish world and the debates within it. The
articles and opinions published by Pagine Ebraiche International
Edition, unless expressly stated otherwise, cannot be interpreted as
the official position of UCEI, but only as the self-expression of the
people who sign them, offering their comments to UCEI publications.
Readers who are interested in making their own contribution should
email us at desk@ucei.it
You received this newsletter because you authorized UCEI to contact
you. If you would like to remove your email address from our list, or
if you would like to subscribe using a new email address, please send a
blank email to desk@ucei.it
stating "unsubscribe" or "subscribe" in the subject field.
© UCEI - All rights reserved - The articles may only be reproduced
after obtaining the written permission of the editor-in-chief. Pagine
Ebraiche - Reg Rome Court 199/2009 – Editor in Chief: Guido Vitale -
Managing Editor: Daniela Gross.
Special thanks to: Susanna Barki, Monica Bizzio, Benedetta Guetta,
Francesca Matalon,
Giovanni Montenero, Giandomenico Pozzi, Daniel Reichel,
Jacques Roumani, Adam
Smulevich, Simone Somekh,
Rossella Tercatin, Ada Treves.
Questo notiziario è realizzato in
condizioni di particolare difficoltà. I redattori di questo notiziario
sono giornalisti italiani di madrelingua italiana. Mettono a
disposizione le loro energie e le loro competenze per raccontare in
lingua inglese l'ebraismo italiano, i suoi valori, la sua cultura e i
suoi valori. Nonostante il nostro impegno il lettore potrebbe trovare
errori e imperfezioni nell'utilizzo del linguaggio che faremo del
nostro meglio per evitare. Contiamo sulla vostra comprensione e
soprattutto sul vostro aiuto e sul vostro consiglio per correggere gli
errori e migliorare.
Pagine Ebraiche International Edition è una pubblicazione edita
dall'Unione delle Comunità Ebraiche Italiane. L'UCEI sviluppa mezzi di
comunicazione che incoraggiano la conoscenza e il confronto delle
realtà ebraiche. Gli articoli e i commenti pubblicati, a meno che non
sia espressamente indicato il contrario, non possono essere intesi come
una presa di posizione ufficiale, ma solo come la autonoma espressione
delle persone che li firmano e che si sono rese gratuitamente
disponibili. Gli utenti che fossero interessati a offrire un proprio
contributo possono rivolgersi all'indirizzo desk@ucei.it
Avete ricevuto questo messaggio perché avete trasmesso a Ucei
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© UCEI - Tutti i diritti riservati - I testi possono essere riprodotti
solo dopo aver ottenuto l'autorizzazione scritta della Direzione.
Pagine Ebraiche International Edition - notiziario dell'ebraismo
italiano - Reg. Tribunale di Roma 199/2009 - direttore responsabile:
Guido Vitale - Coordinamento: Daniela Gross.
Realizzato con il contributo di: Susanna Barki, Monica
Bizzio, Benedetta Guetta,
Francesca Matalon,
Giovanni Montenero, Giandomenico Pozzi, Daniel Reichel,
Jacques Roumani, Adam
Smulevich, Simone Somekh,
Rossella Tercatin, Ada Treves.