19-22/10/2010: Convention on Integrative Medicine

In the last 100 years the world of medicine has seen a true historical revolution. The accomplishments of modern medicine surpass the imagination, from overcoming diseases and saving lives, to organ transplants and improving the quality of life.

But modern medicine is based on the principal of “Evidence-Based Medicine” and anything that doesn’t conform to this criterion is pushed aside. Thus all therapies not based on scientific proof have been expelled from the world of western medicine.

However, the public has continued using these therapies, which were given outside the formal medical system, and therefore referred to as “alternative medicine”.

In the meantime, many physicians discovered that patients who received “alternative” therapies simultaneous to conventional care improved their medical condition. It wasn’t always scientifically clear why this happened, but in light of these results physicians have agreed that their patients receive “alternative” care, in addition to the conventional medical care.

And thus the phrase “complementary medicine” was born: medicine that complements the trained physician’s work.

In light of the positive results, more and more conventional physicians have begun treating their patients with methods of “alternative” medicine.  This way a model was created that unites the scientific principals of modern medicine with the holistic principels of alternative medicine. This “integrative medicine” is the topic of this convention.

What causes many physicians to reexamine their conservative stance?   New researches? Public demand? Accumulation of proven medical data? Economical reasons? Does public pressure have an effect, or do the medical results speak for themselves?

This unique international meeting will deal with all these questions and more: the growth of integrative medicine, its achievements, its problems, and the interesting way in which it advances nowadays in the medical world. We will hear about researches, discuss professional innovations, examine processes, experience workshops, and especially: participate in a unique international interdisciplinary gathering – a meeting between different approaches, systems and cultures.  It will be a fascinating meeting of physicians and therapists, an intellectual dialogue between those who practice integrative medicine around the world.

This convention is intended for physicians and professional therapists, and is not open to the general public.

Scientific Committee:
Dr.  Gilad Cohen  M.D.  – Chairman of the Scientific Committe

Dr.  Guy Almog  MSc. DC. CCEP. – Clinical Director and head of Rehabilitative Chiropractic, Shiran Department in Assaf Harofe Medical Center.

Mr. Yair Amikam –  Deputy Director General Information & International Relations, Ministry of Health.

Dr. Eran Ben-Arye  M.D. –  Director of the Integrative Oncology Program, The Oncology Service and Lin Medical Centre, Clalit Health Services, Haifa and Western Galilee District, Israel. .

Dr.  Yitzhak Berlovitz  M.D. – Director  General,  Wolfson Medical Center, Holon.

Dr.  Joseph Brener  M.D. –  Director of “New-Hope” Medical Center for the Treatment of Cancer,  Wolfson Medical Center in Holon.

Dr.  Opher Caspi   M.D. –  Founder and Director of the Integrative Medicine
Section at the Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Hospital, Israel

Dr.  Wolfgang Ermes M.D. –  apl.Prof. in Family Medicine at Ruhr University Bochum. Germany.

Dr.  Mina Ferne  Ph.D.  – founder & president of the Israeli Organization of Medicinal Plants.

Prof. Moshe Frenkel  M.D.  –  Integrative Oncology Consultants. Clinical Associate Professor University of Texas. Founder of the Integrative Oncology Clinic in MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Prof. Jonathan Halevy M.D –  Director General, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem.

Dr.  Yakir Kaufman  M.D. – Head Department of Neuropsychogeriatrics, Sarah Herzog Memorial Hospital.

Dr.  Shahar Lev-Ari Ph.D – Head, laboratory of medicinal herbs and cancer research

Dr.  Moti Levi  M.D. – Medical Director Clalit Complementary Medicine

Prof.  Avshalom Mizrachi  Ph.D  – Academic Director and Head of the Faculty of Naturopathy, Reidman International College for Complementary Medicine, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Dr.  Motti  Ratmansky M.D. – Pain rehabilitation clinic, The Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital, Raanana

Dr.  Amnon Rofe  M.D. – Director General of Bnai Zion Medical Center, Haifa

Dr.  Chaim Rosenthal  M.D.  – Director of the Israeli School of Homeopathy in Broshim Campus (i.t. Tel Aviv University).

Prof.  Arie Roth M.D. –  Director of Cardiac Intensive Care Unit Department of Cardiology Tel-Aviv Medical Center

Dr. Elad Scihff  M.D.  – Deputy Director of Internal B in Bnai Zion Medical Center. Director of the Department of CAN, Ethics @ Law at the International Center of Health, Law @ Ethics at Haifa University.

Mr. Ophir Sela  –  Chairman of the Israeli Chamber for Complementary Health Professions.

Dr.  Chen Shapira  M.D.- Director General Carmel Medical Center, Haifa.

Dr.  Martin Toledano M.D. – Director of Integrative Medicine Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem. Head of research discipline and Director of Acupuncture studies Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

Dr.  Simon Vulfsons  M.D.  –  Deputy Director, Pain Relief Unit, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa , Israel

Mr.  Amos Ziv M.Sc  – Director of Clinical Research Integrated Medical Services Asaf Harofeh Medical Center.

Dr.  Adi Zweng-Gonen M.D. –  Medical Director “Maccabi-Tivi” complementary & integrative medicine.

Among the  Lecturers:
Prof. Bashar Saad  Ph.d  – Arab-American University Jenin\Pa. Senior researcher and lecturer at the Qasemi Research Center – Al Qasemi Academic College – Baga Algharbiya.

Prof. Raphael Mechoulam  –  Institute of Drug Research, Medical faculty, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Chairperson, Science Section, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

Dr. Nir Amir M.D.  – Director of  Pediatric Complementary Department Wolfson Medical Center.  Academic Director of Tmurot College – Israeli Center for Chinese Medicine

For further information or registration: http://www.medic-convention.com/en/index.php