Bioethics, Medical ethics & Health law conference

bando-unescoGerusalemme, 6 -8 Gennaio 2015

Esteemed Colleagues,
It gives me great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 10th World Conference on Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Health law, which will be held in Jerusalem, Israel on the 6th-8th January, 2015.
As you know, medical ethics is an integral part of the doctor’s work; in fact, it constitutes a foundation of modern medicine. International cooperation in the area of medical ethics is vital. Medical history has known dark days of glaring violations of medical ethics. After World War II, the World Medical Association (WMA), which unites the world’s medical associations, was established with the understanding that there is a need for the determination of clear ethical standards. By 1947 the WMA had already formulated the Declaration of Geneva on Medical Ethics and in 1962 the Declaration of Helsinki on the Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects, was adopted.
Similarly, the Israeli Medical Association (IMA) has worked hard over the years developing and updating our code of ethics. We are currently in the process of translating our ethical code which was accepted at our last General Assembly and this will be made available on our website. The IMA Ethical Code is also presented to medical students at the beginning of their clinical studies.
The UNESCO Bioethics conference this year is an important contribution to the ongoing international discussion on ethics and we hope you will be able to join it. The Conference is designed to offer a platform for the exchange of information and knowledge and to hold discussions, lectures, workshops and exhibition of programs and databases. The IMA is co-organizing this important event.
You may register your participation online at: If you wish to take part in the scientific program, please send your proposed abstract, together with your resume to before the 30th November 2014. Members of the IMA World Fellowship are also invited to submit proposals for sessions on medical ethics which they would then chair.
Now that the conflict is over and Israel is quiet again, we thought it would be a good time to reignite our efforts to invite our friends to join us in Israel for this important event. I hope you will be able to attend this important event and would be grateful to you for distributing the attached announcement among the potential participants.
Yours Sincerely

Dr. Zeev Feldman

Chairman – IMA World Fellowship