Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal
Open Communication and Discussion Facilitate Reconciliation: The Maimonides Approach to Publication of Manduca’s Letter in The Lancet
Shraga Blazer
Rambam Grand Rounds
Geopolitical Issues and Responsibilities of Medical and Scientific Journals
Richard Horton
Academic Debate
Academic Debate: Publications Which Promote Political Agendas Have no Place in Scientific and Medical Journals, and Academics Should Refrain from Publishing in Such Journals
Shimon Glick, A. Mark Clarfield, Rael D. Strous, and Richard Horton
Cancer Immunotherapy
Adoptive T Cell Immunotherapy For Cancer
Karlo Perica, Juan Carlos Varela, Mathias Oelke, and Jonathan Schneck
Clinical Research in Oncology
The Significance of Normal Pretreatment Levels of CA125 (<35 U/mL) in Epithelial Ovarian Carcinoma
Joseph Menczer, Erez Ben-Shem, Abraham Golan, and Tally Levy
Basic Research
Effect of Ozone on Intestinal Epithelial Homeostasis in a Rat
Igor Sukhotnik, Alona Starikov, Arnold G. Coran, Yulia Pollak, Rima Sohotnik, and Ron Shaoul
Death and Dying
Rituals in Death and Dying: Modern Medical Technologies Enter the Fray
Michael Gordon
History of Medicine
Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg—Survivor of Ethical Storms
George M. Weisz
Supplement: Abstracts from Rambam Research Day
Abstracts from Rambam Research Day, December 11, 2014
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