Appelli da IMA

In seguito all’appello degli accademici italiani per interrompere le collaborazioni con istituti scientifici israeliani, abbiamo deciso di scrivere agli stessi destinatari dell’”appello”, con questa lettera e allegando altra lettera inviata da IMA.

L’On. Bernini, ministra dell’Università e della Ricerca, ha risposto con una bella lettera che vogliamo condividere con tutti voi. Apri la lettera dell’On. Bernini.


Di seguito una mail di IMA per una loro nuova iniziativa, indirizzata soprattutto ai giovani:

Dear Students,

I am inviting you to join an initiative led by a group of physicians worldwide. On October 7, a horrific massacre took place in Israel, with heavily armed Hamas terrorists entering southern Israel, resulting in the death of at least 1,400 people, many of them civilians, including women, children, and elders. Hundreds of women and children were abducted, decapitated, raped, or burned alive.

This tragic event has not only resulted in the loss of innocent lives but has also ignited a wave of antisemitic incidents worldwide. As medical students, we have a responsibility to advocate for peace, justice, and the protection of human rights. We must not only learn about these issues but also take action to combat them.

We are calling upon you to join our initiative to raise awareness about this event and its aftermath and to advocate against antisemitism in our universities and healthcare facilities. This initiative aims to educate our peers, faculty, and the wider community about the realities of the situation and to promote understanding and tolerance.

Your participation in this initiative is not just a moral obligation, but also a necessary step in combating the spread of antisemitism and other forms of hate. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that such atrocities are not repeated in the future.

Please join us in this important cause and help us make a difference.

Garrick Hoichman, IMA Medical Student Rep.

If you are interested in contacting Garrick Hoichman, please write to: