Newsletter of the European Friends of the Hebrew University

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Dear Friends of The Hebrew University,
As we approach Pesach, we extend our warmest wishes for a meaningful and happy holiday. May this festival of freedom bring you and your loved ones blessings and joy.
Yet, even as we celebrate, we cannot forget the solemn reality that six months have passed since October 7th, and our brothers and sisters remain in captivity in Gaza. Among them are individuals connected to our university community, like Carmel Gat, a dedicated master’s student in occupational therapy, and Shagyi Dekal-Chen, the son of Prof. Yonatan Dekal-Chen from the Faculty of Humanities.
Their absence weighs heavily on our hearts, and we refuse to let their plight fade into the background. Join us in every effort to bring them home swiftly and safely.
May the coming days bring news of hope and reunion.
Wishing you all a Pesach Sameach filled with hope, faith, and the promise of brighter days ahead.