Italian Word of the Week GIORNATA

italicsBy Daniela Gross

In some way the word of the week is strange. The Italian word “giornata” can only be translated as “day”. But “giornata” has a nuance and perhaps this is the reason that most non Italian speakers find it difficult when they learn the language. When you talk about a “giornata”, as we do in this issue, we mean the entire day: the period going from the morning to the evening, referring to all the things which happened in that time and to all the activities you did during the day. Thus, we say that we spend a “giornata” going to the sea or working or preparing meals and in another way we spell “Giornata” (with the G capitalized) for big public events.

There is no doubt that the “Giornata europea della cultura ebraica”, the “European Day of Jewish Culture” we present in this issue, is a an important event. This is the day in which European Jewry opens its’ doors to the public at large, to share with it its historical and artistic patrimony, provide dialogues and offer ideas to the public debate.

It is a central moment for a Jewish Community that across the centuries has experienced serious persecutions, marginalization and segregation. We hope this edition will also be more meaningful considering the wave of anti-Semitism sweeping through Europe at the moment. Jewish European Culture day which is planned to be held on September 14th, could be defined as a real “Giornata” also because it is full of activities: there are exhibitions, concerts, performances, visits to the synagogues and to Jewish places… In Italy it is an event that mobilizes the entire Community and it is really a beautiful day for us all to live together.