NEWS AJC Expressed Condolences over Death of Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran

By Pagine Ebraiche staff

The American Jewish Committee expressed condolences for the death of Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, who for many years served as the president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue

“I would like to express, on the part of AJC, Religions for Peace, and my own, our profound sadness at the passing of a great soul, a significant figure in the history of interreligious dialogue and in that of our common commitment to working for peace in the Middle East and the world,” reads message sent by Lisa Palmieri-Billig, AJC representative in Italy and Liaison to the Holy See, and Honorary president of Religions for Peace/Italy.

“Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran has always been on the side of justice, of human rights and dignity in a great battle for righting the wrongs of our times and hastening the arrival of peace for all peoples, nations and religions. His heart was always in his actions; he never engaged in sterile formalities,” she added, before remembering the Cardinal’s commitment to interreligious dialogue and Holocaust Remembrance.

“I have been privileged in having known Cardinal Tauran for many years and been with him on many occasions in the context of interreligious events as well as in private conversations. I will never forget the tears that came to his eyes when he recalled the times of the Shoah,” she concluded. “May his soul rest in peace and his name become a blessing to all who follow in his trailblazing path.”