NEWS Elections held in several Italian communities

Schermata 2019-06-24 alle 12.21.28By Pagine Ebraiche staff

Several Italian Jewish communities have gone to the polls in the past few weeks to elect their boards.

Besides Rome, where incumbent president Ruth Dureghello and her group Per Israele won a substantial majority, elections were also held in the Jewish Community of Milan, the second largest in the country.

On May 19, the group Milano Ebraica obtained ten members of 19 seats of the Community Council. Its leader Milo Hasbani was appointed the president. Hasbani had already served in the position for the previous four years, sharing the presidency with Raffaele Besso, head of the Welcommunity group, currently in the opposition.

Also in Turin incumbent president Dario Disegni was reelected at the head of the Community at the beginning of April, unanimously supported by all the members of the council.

Also the Jewish communities of Naples, Padua, Ferrara and Vercelli have chosen their boards: Leading the communities will be Lydia Schapirer, Gianni Parenzo, Fortunato Arbib and Rossella Bottini Treves.

Furthermore, the communities in Mantua, Pisa and Parma elected their boards on Sunday.