Union of the Italian Jewish Communities, names of the newly elected council
With the appointment of the three members of the Rabbinical Consulta, the new Council of the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities will take on a definitive structure in the coming days. Twenty Councilors of reference of the Jewish Community of Rome were chosen on the occasion of the recent elections. The formation “Per Israele” will present itself in the Council with eight exponents: Ruth Dureghello, Ruben Della Rocca, Elvira Di Cave, Alex Zarfati, Johanna Arbib Perugia, Raffaella Spizzichino, Antonella Di Castro and Claudio Moscati; “Binah” with five: Noemi Di Segni, Sabrina Coen, Davide Jona Falco, Saul Meghnagi and Gloria Arbib; “Dor va dor” with four: Gavriel Levi, Mimun Huani, Raffaele Rubin and Benedetto Sermoneta; “Menorah” with three: Livia Ottolenghi, Guido Coen and Massimiliano Boni.
The ten Councilors representing the Community of Milan, also chosen through a vote, will be divided between two lists: for “Italia Ebraica” Milo Hasbani, Simone Mortara, Roberto Jarach, Claudio Gabbai, Gadi Schoenheit are elected; for “Tradizione e futuro per Israele” Walker Meghnagi, Ilan Boni, Michele Boccia, Sara Modena, David Nassimiha.
The other 19 local Jewish communities will be represented by Marco Ascoli Marchetti (Ancona), David Menasci (Bologna), Elio Carmi (Casale Monferrato), Andrea Pesaro (Ferrara), Sara Cividalli (Florence), Ariel Dello Strologo (Genoa), Vittorio Mosseri (Livorno), Licia Vitali (Mantua), Elisabetta Rossi Innerhofer (Merano), Arturo Bemporad (Modena), Sandro Temin (Naples), Davide Romanin Jacur (Padua), Riccardo Moretti (Parma), Maurizio Gabbrielli (Pisa), Giulio Disegni (Turin), Joram Bassan (Trieste), Paolo Gnignati (Venice), Rossella Bottini Treves (Vercelli) and Davide Orvieto (Verona).