Guido Sessa (1964-2023)

“The legacy of Professor Guido Sessa will continue to thrive through the seeds of curiosity he planted in the heart of countless students and through the invaluable contributions he made to science and agriculture”. The Association of Italian Scholars and Scientists (AISSI) remembered scientist Guido Sessa, who died at the age of 59 in Israel, where he had moved from Italy in 1983. There Sessa obtained a first bachelor’s degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, specializing in agriculture and earning a master’s degree and a Ph.D. from the prestigious Weizmann Institute of Science. Sessa then went on with his studies in the USA, and then he went back to Israel, where he was awarded tenure at the Tel Aviv University’s Department of Plant Sciences, where he also became the head of the School of Plant Sciences and Food Security.
“Professor Sessa’s research interests were deeply rooted in the study of molecular mechanisms that regulate plant immunity and susceptibility to bacterial pathogens. With an unwavering dedication to science, his lab adopted a multifaceted approach” – explained his colleagues of the AISSI, remembering him with love – On the one hand, they used molecular biology, functional genomics, and proteomics to identify recognition events and signalling pathways in plants. On the other hand, they used genetic and biochemical strategies to dissect bacterial virulence factors. Thanks to this two-sided approach, not only did he gain respect among his peers, but he also made great strides in developing disease control in agriculture”.
As it was pointed out by his colleagues, Sessa’s work turned out to be crucial particularly in recent years to provide biotechnological targets and strategies against significant pathogens, thus safeguarding the livelihood of our communities. “We honour his memory,” this is the last goodbye from the Aissi, “by continuing the pursuit of knowledge and excellence that he exemplified. Guido, we will miss you, but your light will continue to guide us.” May his memory be a blessing.

Picture AISSI website

Translation by Martina Bandini, revised by Annadora Zuanel, students at the Secondary School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators of the University of Trieste, interns at the newspaper office of the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities – Pagine Ebraiche.