EUROPE – Noemi Di Segni (UCEI): There is no future without clear memory of the Shoah and condemnation of antisemitism

By Noemi Di Segni*

“On the eve of the completion of the new European governance and the start of a new legislature which will have to face a very difficult historical phase, the issues of political weight and the democratic identity with which Italy presents itself are central, also in terms of coherence with which we sit around European tables, whether those of the economy, defense or immigration, with respect to historical responsibilities,” stated UCEI president Noemi Disegni. “There is no Europe and no common democratic construction without a clear memory of the Shoah and a clear condemnation of every form of antisemitism – whether it comes from the nostalgic right of Nazism and Fascism or from the left that demonizes Israel and distorts the history of Zionism, providing every possible assist to Islamic terrorism.
It is not enough to be elected with a party to the Italian or European Parliament to represent the needs of Italians: to hold that delegation of democratic trust and constitutional legitimacy, it is necessary to uproot without delay or political calculation every element based on discrimination and antisemitic hatred. The strong dismay linked to the spread of antisemitism in Italy, Europe, and the entire world since October 7, 2023, is compounded in these days by further concerns, as some young Italians, through some associations, nostalgically recall acts and figures of Fascism, spreading cults and ideologies of racial hatred, especially towards Jews, once again calling for racial persecution that became a tragic extermination.
We cannot overlook the serious phenomena of other young people – largely students – who for months, abusing every constitutionally guaranteed right and freedom, have called for the destruction of Israel and the boycott of Israeli universities and institutions, preventing other students from regularly attending classes and causing significant damage, using spaces intended for peaceful coexistence and democratic dialogue.
Today we live in a country that tends to make instrumental use of Israel and Jews, in a partisan dialectic that we strongly reject, because we do not intend to be used as soccer balls in a match of hatred.
We reaffirm our commitment to serving the entire Italian democratic community: as a religious minority, we express both our appreciation for the constant attention of law enforcement and our aspiration to live our faith safely in this country, with the hope that Italy will democratically guarantee everyone to live with respect and pride in their choices, whether political or religious.
We once again address our appeal to those leading the Italian institutions, and in particular to the majority party, to speak out clearly and firmly against every form of racism and discrimination and to adopt the necessary measures to exclude any internal support for ideologies that undermine the credibility on which every Italian claim and position, recalling its relevance, is based.

*President of the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities – UCEI