
SCHOOL – Anne Frank, diaries and social media

28.9% of the students in Italy who faced this year’s first session of the high school graduation exam chose Anne Frank. Or, more precisely, an excerpt by Maurizio Caminito from Profiles, selfies, and blogs citing Anne Frank’s diary. So are …

ISRAEL – Farewell to Matilde Cohen-Sarano, guardian of Ladino

Also known as Judezmo or Judaeo, Ladino is the ancient language of the Sephardic Jews, which survived the forced expulsion from the Iberian Peninsula in the late 15th century and the subsequent dispersion throughout the Mediterranean region. According to recent …

ART – Micha Ullman’s sculpture Second Home restored in Rome

On the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Rome, Micha Ullman’s sculpture Second Home. Jerusalem – Rome was restored to its original location near the former Jewish Roman Ghetto. The Israeli artist, internationally renowned for his works commemorating historical events …

OCTOBER 7 – “Why we are no longer afraid”

By Angelica Calò Livnè*

These days, I often think that in the 1930s, when the racist laws were promulgated, my grandparents were the same age of my children today. I have often imagined my grandfather Cesare in his thirties, …

TURIN – Farewell to Alberto Piazza,
who dismantled the myth of human races

Along with his colleagues Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza and Paolo Menozzi, Turin geneticist Alberto Piazza was credited 30 years ago with dismantling the myth of human races. “Humanity cannot be divided into races,” Piazza explained in an interview a few years …