
ROME – Antisemitic propaganda,
an exhibition reveals how hate has been codified

Hosted by the Shoah Museum Foundation in Rome and organized by the historian Marcello Pezzetti, the exhibition “The Enemy Race” compares the Nazi antisemitic propaganda with the Fascist one. The exhibition is built around stereotypes and distorted interpretations of historical …

BOOKS – Adei WIZO literary prize winners announced

“La casa sul Nilo” (“The House on the Nile”) by Denise Pardo and “Under the Jujube Tree” by Gila Almagor (Acquario publisher) are the winning works of the 24th edition of the Adei Wizo “Adelina Della Pergola” literary prize in …

ROME – A multimedia totem to tell the story of October 16, 1943

On October 18, 1943, Rome’s police chief Giovanni Travaglio informed the Ministry of the Interior that the train “with 28 wagons” in which were crammed the more than 1,000 Roman Jews captured in the previous hours by the Nazi-Fascists had …

Roma, El Museo judío cuenta a Ester,
reina “hermosa”

Los Maestros enseñan que “todas las fiestas algún día se anularán, mientras que los días de Purim permanecerán eternamente”. Por lo tanto, el Purim constituye una celebración especial en la tradición judía. Igual de especial es la historia de su …

Ardeatine massacre, the platform ViBiA
as another tool of remembrance

In collaboration with the Museum of the Liberation of Rome in via Tasso, in 2016 the University of Rome Tor Vergata created and launched the virtual platform ViBiA (Virtual Biographical Archive) with the aim of learning more about the stories …

A hospital born out of necessity, at the time of the ghetto

The roots of the Ospedale Israelitico (Israelitic Hospital) go back centuries. In 1600, almost half a century after Roman Jews were confined to the ghetto, a first Opera Pia Ebraica (Jewish Religious Charity) was set up. Its purpose was to …

Zohar, a photographic journey through Jewish Italy

One day, a friend of Francesco Maria Colombo showed him some pictures of the synagogue of Casale Monferrato. “I was impressed by its beauty and by the fact that I had never heard of it before. I asked myself, as …