Italian Word of the Week

Italian Word of the Week GIUSTO

italicsBy Daniela Gross

One word, many meanings. It is not easy to translate the term “giusto”. You could use “just, exact, right, correct, fair, equitable, righteous” and so on. But only the context can indicate the right significance (better, the …

Italian Word of the Week ZUCCHETTO

italicsBy Daniela Gross

The word “zucchetto” is the diminutive of “gourd, pumpkin”, in Italian “zucca”, term that figuratively and playfully can indicate the head. The “zucchetto” is the small round skullcap worn by Roman Catholic ecclesiastic: even if you’ve ever …

Italian Word of the Week ANTISEMITISMO

italicsBy Daniela Gross

Unfortunately “antisemitismo”, so similar to the English term “anti-Semitism”, is still a very alive word and, what is worse, a current mental habit: in Italy as in the rest of Europe. According to a recent survey commissioned …

Italian Word of the Week MEMORIA

italicsBy Daniela Gross

“Memoria”, the word of this week, is so similar to the English “memory” that a translation may even sound useless. To have memory is, in the short term, to recall who we are, what are we doing, …

Italian Word of the Week ITALKIM

italicsBy Daniela Gross

Italkìm is the plural of Italki, wich means Italian, and it is among the Hebrew words more used in the Italian Jewry because currently indicates the Italian Jewish community in Israel.

The bond between the Italian Jews …

Italian Word of the Week DIALOGO

italicsBy Daniela Gross

In Italian the word “dialogo”, as you easily can guess, means “dialogue”. However, to really understand what it means for the Italian Jewry you should add the word “interreligioso – interfaith”. The dialogue among the religions is …

Italian Word of the Week – GHETTO

italicsBy Daniela Gross

The word “ghetto” is so familiar for an Italian Jew. Since your childhood you know what the ghetto is, where it is and often you grow up playing in the maze of its narrow streets. The term …

Italian Word of the Week – LA RETE

italicsBy Daniela Gross

In Italy people often refer to the internet as “la rete” (literally, the network) and for the Italian Jewry the web has been really important. If you are in Rome or Milan, where the 70 per cent …

Italian Word of the Week: LIBRO

italicsby Daniela Gross

In Italian the word “libro” designates a book (in the plural becomes “libri”). But in Italy to talk about book and books is a tricky question. Italy boasts a prestigious literary heritage, but the current situation is …

Italian Word of the Week: SCHOLA/TEMPIO

italicsby Daniela Gross

In some Italian Communities it’s called “Schola”. In other Communities people generally refer to it as “Tempio”. But although the names may vary, we always talk about the same thing: the Synagogue, the heart of the Jewish …