
Turin, the memory of 20 Jewish women arrested in 1943

One of the darkest pages of the Shoah in Turin has long remained unknown. On December 3, 1943, the fascist police arrested 20 Jewish women between 65 and 85 years of age in the shelter of Via Como 140 (today …

Di Segni, Zuppi and Elzir in dialogue on peace

“Behind the attack of October 7 is a long path, years and years of indoctrination in which religion was not used to bring something good into everyone’s life, but to spread hate and perpetrate a massacre. Up to that time, …

War and sexual violence, women’s denunciation

“It would be polite to say that Guterres’ statement comes inappropriately late. On the World Children’s Day we already saw how the world was ready to forget the Israeli children killed and abducted in the attacks of October 7. On …

Rome, out in the streets against antisemitism

Thousands of people gathered on Tuesday in Piazza del Popolo in Rome to attend a rally against antisemitism and terrorism organized by the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities and the Jewish Community of Rome. Some of the highest-ranking representatives …

FADE’s approach to confront prejudice

“Fight against Antisemitism through training anD awareness raising activitiEs – F.A.D.E” is a European project that was presented in Rome on November 22, and whose purpose is to improve public authorities’ ability to identify, prosecute and fight against episodes of …

Camerini, in Israel between theater and work in the fields

“This year I spent many months of study in Jerusalem. Since October 7th, I have felt the impulse, increasingly strong, to return as soon as possible. One often feels alone in Europe in this unfortunate period. I wanted to embrace …

Italy, a surge of hatred after October 7 massacre

“The effects of the massacres carried out by Hamas on October 7 are causing the largest wave of antisemitism in Italy in 40 years”. The complaint comes from the last report by the Observatory on antisemitism of the Foundation Jewish …