
PALERMO – Former oratory becomes synagogue 

In 2017, the Archdiocese of Palermo’s decision to grant the free use of an ecclesiastical property to establish a synagogue made headlines worldwide. The New York Times captured the moment with the headline: “500 Years After Expulsion, Sicily’s Jews Reclaim …

TURIN – Six centuries of city history and Italian history

The first record of the Jewish presence in Turin dates to 1424. Over the course of six centuries, this community has experienced a history rich in culture, but also marked by suffering, discrimination, exclusion, and atrocities. Yet, it has also …

ROME – Remembering the Jews expelled from Arab countries and Iran

Ten years ago, the Israeli Parliament set November 30 as a day to commemorate the expulsion of Jews from Arab countries and Iran. Between 1948 and 1970, 800,000 Jews were forced to leave their ancestral homes in North Africa, the …

ROME – Celebrating 110 years of the Di Castro Sinagogue

In 2014, on the centennial of the Di Castro Sinagogue, Rome’s Chief Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni described the place known as the “Temple in Via Balbo” as something fundamentally different from the Great Synagogue, which was completed a decade earlier. …