
“Juifs et chrétiens, travaillons ensemble pour favoriser le Tikkun Olam”

Mettre en œuvre le Dialogue interreligieux, faire en sorte que juifs et chrétiens soient des partenaires de plus en plus cohésifs dans la construction “d’un avenir meilleur”. C’est le défi de Kishreinu, terme hébreu traduisible par “Nos liens”. Un nouvel …

UCEI meeting, “Education is key to continuity”

What is the future of Jewish education in Italy? What are the critical points to be aware of, and what are the guidelines for growth and development? These are some of the questions that have characterized the work of the …

“Italy-Israel, excellent relations”

The new Israeli Ambassador to Italy, Alon Bar, last week presented his credentials to the Head of State Sergio Mattarella. A longtime diplomat with many important positions, Bar has closely followed delicate issues for Jerusalem – among the most recent …

Senator for life Liliana Segre: “A free and fearless life”

Freedom without fear. Addressing the audience of the first Forum of Jewish women in Italy last week, the Senator for life Liliana Segre underlines the lesson she learnt during an existence marked by the most unspeakable tragedy. “Life – the …

“Synagogue reopening, an event for the whole country”

By Dario Disegni*

After an intense and meticulous redevelopment work, started following the flood of 1994 and made possible by the generous allocation granted by the Italian State from the funds of 8×1000, the Synagogue of Alessandria, characterized by …

Alexandrie, la synagogue retrouve son ancienne gloire

La synagogue d’Alexandrie retrouve son ancienne gloire: le 6 novembre, jour néfaste qui nous rappelle l’inondation du 1994, se transforme dans une revanche de la joie après 28 ans. Lors d’une journée de fête à laquelle tous les citoyens ont …