
Epistemology and Fatherhood: Yaakov and Joseph

mascettiBy Yaakov Mascetti*

As the father of two adolescents, I find myself thinking a lot about the education, influence, freedom of and control over another human being who is not me. Parenting is inherently complex, to say the least, because …

Double life – Meir & Zina

fubiniBy Daniela Fubini*

The night they took down Dizengoff Square, I was there. Or at least I tried to be there. Turns out, it will take over a week, they did not make a nice, bold, resonating “boom”, and on …


bidussaBy David Bidussa*
Torture has gone again unpunished, if not in law, at least in fact. We can start with Aleppo. Although it was already clear with Srebrenica in 1995: our time is the time of perpetrators. The “never again”, …

Watch Your Step

susanna calimaniBy Susanna Calimani*

The streets in Venice are paved with big rectangular stones, they are placed one next to the other, and they create a sort of irregular chessboard. It goes without saying that Venetian kids are divided into two …

The Rape of Dinah – Reification of Femininity and Land

mascettiBy Yaakov Mascetti*

The story of Jacob’s only daughter, Dinah, is one of silence, violence, rape, forced love, abduction and mass murder, lies and truth, words and things. Dinah is, says Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch, a young, curious woman, who …

An Israeli Osteopath

susanna calimaniBy Susanna Calimani*

Yesterday I went to the osteopath for the first time. I am often in pain with my cervical nerves and the doctor told me that physiotherapy was not enough. Out of all the osteopaths in Frankfurt, I …

The Chaotic Power of Laughter

mascettiBy Yaakov Mascetti*

There is a profound difference between passively accepting Divine presence and Divine commandments, and the ability to actively argue with G-d, point by point, wrestling with Him upon every single thing he imparts. But there is also …

Double life – Center of the world

cohen-sharonBy Daniela Fubini*

Reality check: we are a Middle-Eastern country slightly bigger than New Jersey which happens to be one of the smallest states in the USA. And we are not, last time anyone counted, the 51st State.

Nevertheless, we …

The Tower of Babel

carucciBy Benedetto Carucci Viterbi*
The Tower of Babel is the universal watch-tower over one-way homogenized thought. It could not but end up with the shattering of this insane idea.
*Benedetto Carucci Viterbi is a rabbi.