
Post-Covid and post-war

By David Bidussa

The idea that the period post-Covid equals the post war period is becoming more and more common. I understand the appeal of comparison, but I believe it is not only wrong, but it creates of confusion and …

2020, the good and the bad

By David Bidussa

The year 2020 has also brought some good things. For example, Silvia Romano is free. But then a voice inside my head tells me that it is good not to forget to call things by their name. …


By David Bidussa

Crossing the doorstep tomorrow will be like learning to walk again. There will be no generous hands to hold on to, and if there were, I doubt that we will trust. Good luck!

*David Bidussa is a

An idea for our time

By David Bidussa

In my opinion, a word for this time is redemption. That is, a new beginning which means: things that should not to be repeated; way that should be abandoned; new forms of individual and collective action; a …

Theology, Sociology and the Pandemic

mascettiBy Yaakov Mascetti*

To be sincere, I’m rather sick of reading or hearing the word “Corona” in every single thing that appears on the internet – even my field, that of literary scholarship, appear to have been flooded by recent …

The end of the world

bidussaBy David Bidussa*

Today’s challenge is to rethink the scene of the possible “end of the world”. No technological madness, no despot who made indiscriminate use of a weapon of mass destruction. Nothing will be the same as before: not …

On the verge of collapse

bidussaBy David Bidussa*

The twentieth century was characterized by the sudden collapse of states and empires that seemed to be in difficulties, but still capable of overcoming the impact of catastrophic events.
At the time of their collapse, those structures …


bidussaBy David Bidussa*

“Touch – the anthropologist Marc Augé once wrote – is the last sense that remains among the old, when, deaf and blind, they also seem to have lost the smell and the taste of the things of …


bidussaBy David Bidussa

Sometimes calling things with their name helps to understand them.
In recent days many people are frightened by the words “duty of obedience” because it gives the idea of a possible domination without the possibility of opposing …


bidussaBy David Bidussa

In the Sunday literary supplement of the Corriere della Sera, English historian Peter Burke said that intellectuals in exile have been the voices that, with their uprooting, have helped to create culture, trigger news and produce innovation. …