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Ukraine will survive

By Laura Mincer*

Mojsej Abramovyč Fišbejn (1946-2020) is considered among the most important Jewish Ukrainians poets. In 1970, as a dissident, he was forced to exile by the soviets and until 2003 he lived in Israel and Germany but …

Aspects of renewal

By Gadi Luzzatto Voghera*

On the occasion of the European Day of Jewish Culture, which this is year is dedicated to the topic of renewal, some statements have appeared that reiterated a call for attention not to confuse the …

Ferrara, a symbol of vitality and renewal

Renewing oneself as an individual, as a community, as a country. It was the central theme of the 23rd edition of the European Days of Jewish Culture that took place Saturday in Italy. Promoted by the Union of the Italian …

Wahlen und Zukunft

Von Anna Foa*

In Sesto San Giovanni haben die Wähler die Wahl zwischen dem Sohn eines Überlebenden der Shoah und der Tochter eines jener Anhänger der Italienischen Sozialrepublik, die einem Regime, das die Juden jagte und deportierte, treu ergeben waren. …


Para Daniela Fubini

Vivimos en una época de fuertes confusiones climáticas y esto vale para todos, en todas las latitudes y longitudes. Sin embargo voy a reírle en la cara al próximo europeo que me diga: “pero qué calor terrible …

Nettles, footballs, and pandects

By Emanuele Calò*

On 23rd May 2022, the Italian newspaper La Repubblica reported: “‘To the synagogue you go pray/ I will always make you run away’. That was chanted loudly in the Ponte Milvio square in Rome during the …

A strange echo effect

By David Bidussa*

In New York, Friday 19 August, a week after the attack, intellectuals gathered on the steps of the New York Public Library to give public readings of Salman Rushdie’s work to show solidarity, but also because …

The routes of Eden

By Alberto Cavaglion*

I would like to talk about Eshkol Nevo’s latest novel, which has been keeping me company this week (“Le vie dell’Eden”, Einaudi). As for the previous novels, I was not disappointed by it: the three stories …

How much is school worth?

By Anna Segre

Ius sanguis, ius soli, ius scholae: the right of the blood, the right of the soil, the right of the school. If we look at the literal translation, aside from the current use of this terminology to …