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O mundo de Eva Fischer, a arte como emoção

Oito anos após a sua morte, o legado artístico de Eva Fischer (1920-2015) continua vivo em vários projetos e iniciativas. A mais recente é um bom livro editado pelo seu filho, Alan David Baumann, cujas páginas devolvem com bom gosto …

The volumes vanished into thin air, the looting of Rome’s Jewish Library

The looting of Rome’s Jewish Community Libraries and of the Rabbinical College has been carefully planned. On 30th September 1943, the men from the Einsatztab Reichsleiter Rosenberg, one of the two Nazi organisations specialised in plundering Jewish artwork, books, and …

La cuisine “à la giudia”, à Guetta le National Jewish Book Award

Écrivaine culinaire et photographe, Benedetta Jasmine Guetta fait partie des vainqueurs de la dernière édition du National Jewish Book Award avec son Cooking Alla Giudia. A Celebration of the Jewish Food of Italy, son premier livre de cuisine en anglais.

Mattarella: “Italian responsibilities, more awareness is needed”

“Never again to a world dominated by violence, abuses, racism, cult of personality, aggressions and war. Never again to a government that crushes freedom and rights. Never again to a society that discriminates, divides, isolates, and persecutes. Never again to …

Rita Levi-Montalcini: ein Leben, das der Wissenschaft gewidmet ist

Im Jahr 2008 lud Elena Cattaneo, ordentliche Professorin für Pharmakologie an der Universität Mailand, die Medizin-Nobelpreisträgerin Rita Levi-Montalcini ein, um eine Rede vor tausend Studenten zu halten.
“Sie sprach anderthalb Stunden lang und stand gerade vor dem Pult mit einer …

From Tunisia to France,
the pain of exile

The TGM, the Tunis-Goulette-Marsa train, travels along the Tunisian coasts and effectively represents nostalgia for a life made up of days on the beach, carefree living and an idealised past that no longer exists. Instead, the TGV is the symbol …

La enseñanza de valentía de Peppino Vitale

Por Roberto Jona

Con respecto a la inauguración del Beit Hakneset de Alejandría (Piemonte, Italia), quiero compartir un acontecimiento que me contó personalmente Peppino Vitale. Cabe empezar diciendo que Vitale era el mayor representante de la pequeña comunidad judía de …

16 October 1943, remember together

At the dawn of 16 October 1943, over a thousand Roman Jews were rounded up in the building of the former Military Academy in via della Lungara, from which two days later they were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau. It is a …