AFTER THE EVENTS IN PITTSBURGH Noemi Di Segni (UCEI): “We All Stand Together against Hatred”

Following the tragic events in Pittsburgh, the President of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities Noemi Di Segni sent the following message to the leaders of Tree of Life Synagogue:

Dear Mr. Joel Don Goldstein, Dear Rabbi Hazzan Jeffrey Myers, dear friends, on behalf of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities I would like to express our deepest condolences and our most sincere closeness to all the members of the congregation.

The level of hatred to the Jewish people, of millennia, centuries and decades has never paused and yesterday has entered a place of holiness and prayers. This horrible act, the most terrible in the history of Jewish presence in the United States, calls upon all of us to stay together and continue in any educational engagement that we are perpetuating every day, convinced that all voices need to be strong and loud in condemning these actions, any radicalization, and the growing of white Suprematism, to be fought together with all civil and political forces. We need to say the opposite: All Jewish people need to live!!

We mourn all those who found their premature death, praying for the families and the healing of the wounded ones.

Shalom from Italy, we are all with you.