NEWS Fake Twitter Account of Holocaust Survivor Gets Disconnected

fakeaccountBy Pagine Ebraiche staff

A fake Twitter account of Italian Holocaust Survivor and Senator for Life Liliana Segre went offline last week.

For months, the account had been pretending to be an official communication channel of the senator, who since her appointment in 2018 has become a public voice against intolerance, hatred and indifference.

Moreover, several prominent media outlets, including the Italian press agency Ansa, and the daily La Repubblica, shared the content of these profiles in their articles.

Segre and her staff reported the situation to the Police and last week issued a statement explaining that: “Months ago, a fake Twitter account in my name was opened. Now a second one was also started on Facebook. They have attributed to me statements and positions, often very aggressive, that do not reflect my thoughts.”

After Segre’s denunciation, the accounts were turned into fan club accounts, and then disconnected.