EVENTS – The Conference of Italian Jewry takes place by the Adriatic Sea

moked 1by Rossella Tercatin

“Moked,” the great annual conference of Italian Jewry, will be held from May 1st to May 4th, 2014, in the traditional location of Milano Marittima on the Adriatic Sea.

“Moked” (i.e. focus in Hebrew) is organized by the Department of Education and Culture of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities and it is aimed at bringing together Italian Jewish leaders, Community members and families for a week end that combines leisure and learning.

“What is special about Moked is the opportunity for Jews from different background and origin to meet” underlines Rabbi Roberto Della Rocca, the director of the Department.

Every year, Rabbi Della Rocca chooses a main theme for the Conference, usually among the most pressing issues in Jewish life, from the role of women, to the future of Jewish family.
For 2014, the conference will focus on “Jewish Communities and Rabbinical leadership”.

Among the guests, there will be the Israeli Rabbi Haim Amsalem, who recently left Shas, the religious party he contributed to found in 1984, to start his own political movement on a secular-religious policy platform.