NEWS Genoa Chief Rabbi New Head of the Italian Rabbinical Council

momiglianoBy Adam Smulevich

The Chief Rabbi of Genoa, Giuseppe Momigliano, is the new president of the Italian Rabbinical Council. Rabbi Alberto Funaro from Rome has been chosen as vice president, and also sitting in the board are the Chief Rabbi of Rome Riccardo Di Segni, the Chief Rabbi of Milan Alfonso Arbib and the Chief Rabbi of Padua Adolfo Locci.

“We are going to target the many issues we must face in a collegial way. This is the way we have to proceed to achieve our goals for the future” Rabbi Momigliano said to Pagine Ebraiche.
Chief Rabbi of Genoa since 1986, two terms as secretary of the Italian Rabbinical Council in the recent past, Rabbi Momigliano underlines that his nomination represents “an important message to small Jewish communities”.

The election of the new board took place in Florence last January.
The board began to function four months later than expected due to a complaint filed against the voting procedures by some members of the Council. According to Rabbi Momigliano, the issue has been clarified.

“Our work will be based on proactivity and cooperation with all the communities and the Jewish institutions referring to the principles of respect for the Halakhah (i.e. the Jewish law)” reads a statement released by the board last Friday.