NEWS Italian Jews and Israel

ULTIMORABy Rossella Tercatin

#IsraeleDifendeLaPace, “Israel defends peace” is the hashtag launched by Pagine Ebraiche, the magazine of Italian Jewry. It is the symbol of a challenge that, not surprisingly, has become a major one in the last few days: the effort of offering influential and balanced news on what has been happening between Israel and Gaza.

Italian Jews have always felt a special link to Israel, a relationship which has grown stronger in the past few years, due to the increasing number of people moving to the Jewish state.

It is therefore not surprising that for the Italian Jewish Community what is happening in the Middle East is a cause of fear and alarm, not only because of the events, but also because of the coverage offered by the Italian media.

This is why the journalists of Pagine Ebraiche have started three new initiatives: a new section has been opened on – the portal of Italian Jewry – to host all the articles about Israel and the crisis. Another section, #IsraelDefendsPeace – Questions and answers, offers concise reports and analysis from journalists and experts, and finally a special Breaking News, updated every hour.

Among other initiatives born within the Italian Jewish communities, only few days ago people gathered in Rome and Milan for a rally to support Israel.

“Peace is the only shelter Jewish people are looking for” read the slogan.

A principle that cannot be forgotten in these difficult times.