NEWS Italian Jews Express Solidarity with the Danish Community

copenhagenBy Rossella Tercatin

In the aftermath of the attack that targeted the synagogue of Copenhagen on Saturday, killing the security guard just a few hours after the terrorists had assaulted an event focused on freedom of speech, Italian Jews expressed their solidarity with the Jewish Community of Denmark.

“The tragic events of the past few hours show that what happened in Paris is not an isolated phenomenon, but part of a general strategy to spread terror and insecurity among people,” reads the message that the president of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities Renzo Gattegna sent to the president of the local community, Dan Rosenberg Asmussen.

“These are terrible hours of indignation and mourning. But the supporters of hate and the enemies of freedom of speech are mistaken if they think they will succeed in their intent, because we the Jews of Europe will not surrender. We will continue to live our lives and to defend the strong fundamental values which are shared by all the peoples of democratic Europe, which were built on the ashes of the worst crimes ever committed by man against fellow man and on the ideals of those who fought for liberty from hatred and tyranny,” he added.

“This is our strength and this will be the reason of their defeat.”