NEWS Jewish Italian Couple Had a Narrow Escape in Tunis

turinBy Adam Smulevich

The Jewish Community of Turin adhered to the initiatives of remembrance of the victims of the terrorist attack in Tunis (among the victims was an employee of city hall), proclaimed by the mayor, Piero Fassino. Among the survivors of the attack were Alberto and Anna Di Porto (71 and 60 years old), the parents of the Chief Rabbi of Turin, Ariel Di Porto.

In a message sent to the mayor, Dario Disegni, the new president of the Community, wrote: “The threat of terrorism which now affects everyone, aims to destroy any possibility of peaceful coexistence. We must react with determination so that all the forces of obscurantism will neither prevail nor slowly creep into our lives.”

Disegni also added, “ “Our Community, in this dramatic day of mourning for the whole city, a day that marks also the third anniversary of the massacre at the Jewish school in Toulouse, is and will always be in the forefront of the battle for democracy, freedom and peace.”

Chief rabbi Ariel Di Porto also took part in a solemn demonstration organized in front of the city hall. His parents, Alberto and Anna Di Porto hid when the terrorists started shooting, “Remembering what had happened in Paris,” they explained to the press.
The former president of the Community of Turin Beppe Segre and the member of the board Alda Guastalla joined the rally with Rabbi Di Porto.

The president of Italy Sergio Mattarella, called the attack “a vile and hateful act. An act committed against defenseless people, in total disregard of the most basic tenets of civil coexistence and respect for human life”.