NEWS A New President for Italian Jewish Students

nacamulliBy Daniel Reichel

Ariel Nacamulli is the new president of the Union of Young Jews in Italy (UGEI). Nacamulli comes from Rome but he currently attending university in Milan. He was appointed by the members of 2016 UGEI Council elected last week in Venice during the twenty-first Congress of the Union of Italian Jewish Students in Italy: Max Cavazzini (Genoa), Sara Bedarida (Livorno), Ariel Nacamulli (Milan), Filippo Tedeschi (Turin), Giorgio Berruto (Turin), Simone Bedarida (Florence ), Giulio Piperno (Rome).

“I think the 2016 Council should continue to focus on local initiatives, as we can be nationally strong only if we are strong and alive locally,” said 2015 UGEI president Talia Bidussa.

“It is also important to keep meaningful relationships with those who live very close to us. Therefore, we need to preserve and create close ties with the other student unions in Europe and, at the same time, with umbrella organizations such as the European Union of Jewish Students and the World Union of Jewish Students. Not far from us live hundreds of young fellow Jews, facing the same daily problems and challenges. We have quite a lot to learn from each other.”

Filippo Tedeschi will serve as vice-president.