NEWS – A New President for Jewish Turin

Dario Disegni - nl 150302Dario Disegni, President of the Jewish Cultural Heritage Foundation, has become last week the new President of the Jewish Community of Turin. After being far ahead in the preferences expressed on the first of March by the voters, when the results pointed clearly towards a profound renewal, the new Council, composed by thirteen members gave him 12 votes.
His role as future president had been clearly written in the programmes of the two lists: Beiachad acquired an absolute majority in the Council, with Franco Segre, Daniel Fantoni, Lidia Krieger, Alda Guastalla, Carola Ovazza, Danila Franco and Guido Anau Montel, while five are the elected in the list Anavim, Alessandra Coen Disegni, Giuseppe Di Chio, Giacomo Emilio Ottolenghi, David Sorani and Alessandro Rimini. First act of the first meeting – which had a big public – the election of the new president was practically unanimous, with the only vote for Franco Segre being clearly expression of the new president of the community, in an act of respect for the elder in the board members. In a very pragmatic first meeting where Daniel Fantoni, Alda Guastalla, Danila Franco and Beppe Di Chio have been elected to join Dario Disegni in the Executive Committee of the Community, the decision to choose two vice presidents has been unanimously taken. The first act of the Executive Committee, immediately after the end of the first meeting of the Council, has been to vote Alda Guastalla (Beiachad) and Beppe Di Chio (Anavim) as vice presidents, to show once more, if needed, how much the new Council aims at working together, leaving behind all the problems and tensions that have marked the last few years in Turin.