EVENTS Florence, Next Capital of Jewish Culture

florenceBy Adam Smulevich

The next European Day of Jewish Culture, which will take place on September 6th in over thirty countries, will offer a deep reflection on the meaning of “bridges”, both inside and outside the Jewish world.

In Italy, the epicenter of the event is going to be the Jewish Community of Florence. In 2015 Florence has been selected as the leading city. The program of the day is going to focus on the themes of meeting, dialogue and mutual recognition between peoples and cultures.

The city of Florence itself has been the theater of great figures and events in the political and cultural field, both in ancient and in modern times. Its role will be emphasized during the European Day of Jewish Culture, together with the efforts of reception and the integration of African and Middle Eastern refugees in which the local Community has taken the lead.

“We consider solidarity a fundamental value. It is no coincidence that last year we were the first community to respond to the appeal of the municipality to provide housing for the refugees,” president of the Community Sara Cividalli says.

The chief rabbi of Florence Joseph Levi is also known as a man of dialogue. For his commitment, he has been recently awarded the Fiorino d’Oro, the highest honor given by the mayor to notable Florentines.

“This city completely represents how I see the world, the importance of interreligious dialogue and the role of Judaism in modern times,” rav Levi told Pagine Ebraiche.
During the Day of Jewish Culture, rav Levi will give a lecture on Tikkun Olam, the Jewish concept of “repairing the world”.