NEWS An Italian Hypershabbat

hypershabbatBy Adam Smulevich

The initiative “Hypershabbat” promoted by French Jews in memory of the four victims of the attack that occurred at the HyperCasher in Paris one year ago received widespread support in Italian Jewish community.
As a symbolic act of solidarity, shop owners in the ancient Jewish ghetto of Rome closed their stores at the same time on Friday morning. The children of local Jewish schools prepared the challot, the bread of the Shabbat, and then distributed it to several families to pay tribute to the victims of the attack.

“The only way to deal with these events is to nourish hope, to celebrate the life after death. It’s important to overcome the anger and pain, opening up to the future with strength and determination,” both explained president of the Jewish Community Ruth Dureghello and chief rabbi Riccardo Di Segni.

“Being together for Shabbat is an answer to this brutal attack, through a moment of prayer and attachment to our roots and traditions with joy and pride,” stressed Chief Rabbi of Verona Yosef Labi.