NEWS Bilateral Agreement between Israel and Holy See May Soon be Reached

By Pagine Ebraiche staff

Negotiations pursuing a comprehensive fundamental agreement between the Holy See and the State of Israel might be close to reaching a conclusion.

The Bilateral Permanent Working Commission between the Holy See and the State of Israel met last week in Vatican City (the previous meeting took place in Jerusalem in January. The Commission had not met in Rome since 2013.

Among the topics of the accord are the juricial rights of the Catholic Church in Israel as well as property and taxation issues.

Though the Fundamental Agreement establishing diplomatic relations between Israel and the Holy See was signed in 1993 these issues have remained unresolved despite years of fitful negotiations.

“The Plenary session members were pleased with the progress accomplished at the working level regarding the negotiations and the cordial atmosphere in which the meetings took place. The outcome of today’s Plenary session gives hope for a rapid conclusion of ongoing negotiations and the signing of the document” reads the joint statement release after the meeting.