NEWS Shoah survivor Liliana Segre Makes Her Debut in the Italian Senate

Liliana-SegreBy Pagine Ebraiche staff*

The Italian Shoah survivor Liliana Segre took part in the first session of the newly elected Italian Senate last Friday.

Segre, 87, was appointed Senator for Life by the president of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella last January.

Her appointment was officially ratified by the assembly. In a day of high political tension, with the first round of voting to elect the new president of the Senate, Segre received bipartisan prolonged applause.

Born in 1930, she was deported to Auschwitz in January 1944 with her father and another 600 Jews. Only 22 came back, among them, Liliana, who in the past 30 years has become one of the most active voices to promote awareness of what happened, and denouncing intolerance and indifference.

Before the session, Segre told Pagine Ebraiche that she was both curious and excited about this new chapter of her life.