NEWS After Medal, Jewish Brigade Honored at Piangipane Cemetery

cerimoniaBy Pagine Ebraiche staff

Two weeks after receiving the Gold Medal of Military Valor, the Jewish Brigade was honored in a ceremony at the Piangipane cemetery near Ravenna, where its fallen are buried.

The Gold Medal of Valor was awarded to the Jewish Brigade after a unanimous vote by the Italian Parliament. The ceremony took place in Israel, attended by surviving soldiers who fought in the Brigade.

Remembering the deeds of the Brigade which played an important role in the liberation of central Italy by the Nazi-Fascists were among others the president of the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities Noemi Di Segni, the Israeli deputy ambassador to Rome Ofra Farhi, the president of the Jewish Community of nearby Ferrara Andrea Pesaro, the mayor of Ravenna Michele De Pascale, the President of the Association for Fighter and Veterans “Friuli” Romano Rossi, the chief rabbi of Ferrara Luciano Caro.

“A few weeks ago, the medal by which the Italian State decided to honor those who wrote one of the most glorious and meaningful pages in the Liberation against Nazi-Fascism was conferred to the veterans of the Jewish Brigade in a moving ceremony in Israel. Today in this ceremony, we come full circle, completing the tribute” highlighted the UCEI president.