NEWS Third Tractate of the Babylonian Talmud Translated in Italian

talmudBy Pagine Ebraiche staff

A third tractate of the Babylonian Talmud has been released with an Italian translation. After Rosh HaShanah (“New Years”) and Berachot (“Blessings”), also the Tractate Ta’anit that deals primarily with fasts is available in Italian bookstores, published by Giuntina.

The volume, curated by Michael Ascoli, was presented in an event organized by the Italian Embassy in the Holy See.

“The Talmud has an immense religious, historical and juridical value, it is a work that has permeated our culture and the European culture. This project brings honor to Italy,” highlighted Ambassador Pietro Sebastiani.

The project of translating all Babylonian Talmud is included in a memorandum of understanding between Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Ministry of Education, National Committee for Research (CNR), Union of the Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI).

Speaking at the event were also the director of the project Clelia Piperno, the president of the consortium carrying it out and chief rabbi of Rome Riccardo Di Segni, the minister for Education Marco Bussetti, the president of the CNR Massimo Inguscio, the president of UCEI Noemi Di Segni, the rabbi and CNR member Gianfranco Di Segni.