NEWS Israel launches initiative to support Italian Jewish community

By Pagine Ebraiche staff

An online fundraising to support the Italian Jewish community in the time of crisis has been launched by the Israeli organization by Ha’ruach Ha’Israelit (Spirit of Israel) in collaboration with the Jewish Agency and the Union of Italian Jewish Communities.

The project developed after the spontaneous initiatives of several personalities who in the past received help from the country and have come forward to support Italian Jewry.

“A family never leaves anyone behind,” reads the motto of the initiative.

The fundraising received the support of Yonit Levi, one of the most popular Israeli anchorwoman, who covered the initiative in the 8 p.m. news on Channel 12.

The donations are collected to the platform Charidy.

Hundreds of people have already joined and donated, often leaving a message of encouragement to the Italian Jewish community.