A law against Nazi-fascist propaganda,
the support of Holocaust survivor Liliana Segre

“The spread of fascist and racist messages, both on social media and on too many other media, has now reached intolerable levels. The civil conscience of the Republic born of the Resistance must show itself aware of the dangers and react. I therefore wish the best success to your collection of signatures, which I hope will reach and exceed the necessary number of subscriptions by 31 March”.
So the Senator for life and Holocaust survivor Liliana Segre, addressing the mayor of Stazzema Maurizio Verona, has chosen to adhere, without putting her own signature to avoid an overlap between parliamentary and popular initiative”, to the law against fascist and Nazi propaganda recently presented by the administration of Stazzema.
The Senator for life, who a year ago received the meritorious citizenship of the Tuscan municipality, one of the places most affected by the Nazi-Fascist ferocity, has ensured her vigilance so that the bill “is discussed and approved quickly in Parliament”. The Antifascist law proposal aims at eliminating the fascist and Nazi propaganda, specifically on social media and with the sale of memorabilia. The penalties include imprisonment from six months to two years.
The village of Sant’Anna di Stazzema in Tuscany, was theatre of one of the most brutal massacres in Italy during World War II. On 12 August 1944 the SS, with the help of the Brigate nere, murdered about 560 villagers and refugees, including more than a hundred children, ant burned their bodies. In the early 2000s, the crimes have been defined as voluntary and organized act of terrorism by the military court in La Spezia highest Italian court of appeal.