Italian Jewish community mobilizes
in support of Eitan

The Italian Jewish community is mobilizing in support of Eitan Biran, the Israeli child who is the sole survivor of the Mottarone cable car tragedy. In the accident, which occurred on May 24th, a total of 14 people, including Eitan’s parents Amit and Tal, little brother Tom, and great grandparents Itzhak and Barbara, were killed.
The boy awoke last week. At his side, his aunt Maya e his paternal grandparents, who flew from Israel. “It is an extremely hard situation”, emphasized the President of the Milan Jewish Community Milo Hasbani, who spent these difficult moments along with the family. To support Eitan and guarantee him a future, the Jewish Community of Milan together with the other Italian Jewish Communities launched two solidarity campaigns.
The first initiative was launched by the Fondazione Scuola Ebraica di Milano – Milan Jewish School Foundation (here the link) and is aimed at supporting the child’s education. The other one (here the link) is aimed at covering all the expenses the family would incur “such as logistics, a lawyer, or a psychologist: the intention is to cover all these needs”.

(Let’s help little Eitan, reads the image symbolizing the solidarity campaign launched by the Italian Jewish Communities)