October 7, Milan takes the streets against indifference

“Enough with indifference. A voice for Israeli women raped and slaughtered by Hamas.” A large red banner punctuated the meaning of the demonstration that took place in Milan, in the central Piazza San Babila, on International Women’s Day. Dozens of people gathered wearing yellow vests to draw attention to the mass femicide carried out by Palestinian terrorists in Israel on October 7. As in Rome, the initiative denounced the silences of the international community and women’s movements in the face of Hamas rapes and violence. “Feminists where are you?” was the question on some placards held by the protesters. On a small stage, voices from the Milan Jewish Community, local politics and culture recalled the horror of which dozens of Israeli women were victims. And they ask why, in the face of that violence documented and filmed by the torturers themselves, there was no immediate and broad solidarity. Why on Women’s Day is there not a unanimous call to bring home the Israeli women and men who have been hostages of Hamas for 154 days.