CALABRIA – A march for coexistence

“Calabria is coexistence” was the slogan behind which hundreds of people marched in Santa Maria del Cedro (province of Cosenza) on the closing night of the Citrus Festival. This fruit, characteristic of the region, also symbolizes the Jewish festival of Sukkot. The inclusive message of the event was embraced by UCEI President Noemi Di Segni and Union Vice President Giulio Disegni, both present at the event along with representatives of the main religious communities in the area, including Catholics, Waldensians, Greek Orthodox, Buddhists, and Muslims. Also present were Roque Pugliese, representative of the Palmi Section of the Naples Jewish Community and Menachem Lazar, a rabbi from the Chabad movement.
The Calabria region has long been a focus of Italian Jewish institutions, Disegni noted, reflecting on the efforts made over the years through the “Progetto Meridione” (Southern Project) to highlight Jewish sites in Calabria and its ancient heritage after centuries of neglect.
“Once again, the response was significant, with notable participation from religious leaders, mayors, and many local citizens,” Disegni said. “Each speaker emphasized the importance of dialogue, confrontation, and the need to understand one another dialogue, engagement, and mutual understanding. Nearly a year after October 7—a date that profoundly impacted the world and our consciences—this moment of collective reflection is especially vital in an era of rising hatred and anti-Semitism.”
The Citrus Festival and the march for coexistence also served as an opportunity to strengthen dialogue with local administrators. “In Belvedere Marittimo, for instance, Mayor Vincenzo Cascini wanted to meet with us and show his support. This is in line with the spirit of this town, which is twinned with the Israeli town of Mitzpe Ramon.”