BOOKS – Literary Prize ADEI-WIZO, special mention for Eshkol Nevo

Eshkol Nevo, one of the most popular contemporary Israeli writers, has received a special mention in the 25th Literary Prize of the Association of Italian Jewish Women (ADEI-WIZO), named in memory of Adelina Della Pergola. Nevo, who has won the competition several times, was chosen by the jury for the quality and intensity of his latest book, Legami, published by Feltrinelli, a collection of 20 stories “perfectly conceived and expressed through a clear and fluid writing”.
The ADEI-WIZO announced in a release that the final stage of the literary contest will take place in Milan. The award ceremony will take place on May 7 at the Central Synagogue, followed by a meeting with young readers on May 8. The jury will choose between La meteorologa (The meteorologist, Giuntina) by Tamar Weiss Gabbay, La mossa giusta (The right choice, Baldini + Castoldi) by Enrico Franceschini and L’archivio dei destini (The archive of destinies, Neri Pozza) by Gaëlle Nohant. For young readers, the competition is between Aggiustare l’universo (Fixing the universe, Mondadori) by Raffaella Romagnolo and Notturno libico (Libyan Nocturne, ed. Solferino) by Raffaele Genah.