
Di Segni, Zuppi and Elzir in dialogue on peace

“Behind the attack of October 7 is a long path, years and years of indoctrination in which religion was not used to bring something good into everyone’s life, but to spread hate and perpetrate a massacre. Up to that time, …

Italian Rabbinate: Pope’s distance is not equal

“We are asking ourselves what use has been made of decades of Jewish-Christian dialogue, speaking of friendship and brotherhood, if, in reality, when Jews are facing extermination, instead of receiving closeness and understanding, they are presented with diplomatic acrobatics, political …

Un Pésaj de serenidad y unidad

Hemos quedado para celebrar el Pésaj, por fin libres de reunirnos con nuestras familias y en grupos de referencia tras tres años de pandemia, con el entusiasmo y el sano trabajo para organizar la tradicional cena del Séder con todas …

Jewish and Catholic worlds allied in the fight against prejudice

Sixteen files to clarify some key points of Judaism, of its history, of Jewish life. Sixteen files aiming to promote an accurate portrayal of the Jewish world in textbooks and to fight and erase prejudices and stereotypes. “Sixteen files to …

Pour une technologie éthique

“Le judaïsme bénit le progrès technologique mais, comme on l’apprend de l’histoire du Golem, il tient fermement à un principe : c’est toujours l’homme qui contrôle la technologie et jamais l’inverse”. C’est pour cette raison que l’initiative “Rome Call for …

Isaiah, prophetic words pointing to a way

Dozens of meetings across Italy enlivened the 34th edition of the Day dedicated to the deepening and development of dialogue between Catholics and Jews that this year focused on the prophetic passage from Isaiah 40: “Comfort, comfort my people”. Rabbis, …

The pope in the synagogue, an encounter that made History

Among the most significant events of Ratzinger’s pontificate, there is the visit he made to the Great Synagogue of Rome in January 2010, marking only the second time that a pope has crossed the Tiber River to enter the primary …

“An interlocutor of the highest level”

Reactions and commotion for the death of Joseph Ratzinger all over the world. “In his brief but intense pontificate, Benedict XVI has left an important mark not only in his Church but the whole world” remarks, among others, the Rabbi …

“Ratzinger, a pope who sowed for the future”

The Union of the Italian Jewish Communities expresses its togetherness to Pope Francis, to the leaders of the Church, and to the entire Catholic world on the death of Pope Emeritus Joseph Ratzinger. A great figure of a spiritual leader, …

Italian Committee for Bioethics, Rabbi Di Segni included among vice-presidents

By decree of the President of the Council of Ministers the new Italian Committee for Bioethics (Comitato Nazionale per la Bioetica – CNB’) was established last week. The committee, which address ethical dimensions and emerging problems of health sciences, life …