
FEATURES The Rabbi and the Regatta

REGATTABy Rossella Tercatin

It was a beautiful summer day in Venice. Over 2,100 boats and 8,000 rowers joined the Vogalonga, the legendary non competitive rowing regatta among the Laguna’s canals.
Among them, also a Rabbi.

Rabbi Roberto Della Rocca, the …

FEATURES Bartali, a Champion of Values

bartaliBy Adam Smulevich

Champion on his bicycle, champion of values in his entire life, in September 2013 Gino Bartali has reached the highest honor given by the State of Israel getting into the Righteous Among the Nations on the wall …

FEATURES Jerusalem, a Permanent Home for Italian Culture

italkimThe Italian Jewish Community of Jerusalem gathered last week for a very special celebration.
The historic building of Rehov Hillel 25, home of the Italian Synagogue and of the Museum of the Italian Jewish Art, has been permanently acquired by …

FEATURES Discovering Jewish Identity in the Wardrobe

Daniel-Tchetchik-1By Simone Somekh*

In front of me I see a black burqa adorned with a cream colored facial net. It comes from a Jewish community in Afghanistan and it dates back to nearly two centuries ago. It’s one of the …